Summer Activities Pose Risks for Foot Health

School’s out for summer, and many Podiatry Group of Annapolis families are planning barbecues, parties, and other outdoor reunions with family and friends. Are you among them? Anne Arundel County podiatrists Dr. James M. McKee and Dr. Adam Weaver urge you to take precautions to remain healthy during these activities – including steps that will keep feet and ankles safe. Here are some recommendations for you to consider:

  • Pack plenty of sunscreens and use them often. Be sure to apply your sunscreen everywhere, including on feet and ankles, which are as vulnerable to cancer as the skin on the rest of your body. Reapply after sweating or swimming.

  • Avoid foot and ankle injuries by choosing footwear that is appropriate for the day. Make sure everything fits well and is in good condition. Replace athletic shoes every six months or 500 road miles. If it’s been more than a year since your last professional fitting, head to a brick-and-mortar store for a professional measuring. Do your feet hurt when you stand, walk, or run? Talk to your podiatrist about orthotics, custom inserts that can provide additional cushioning and support.

  • Prevent blisters by wearing socks with footwear when engaging in hiking or sports. If a blister occurs, don’t pop it! Infection can result. Protect the area with a bit of moleskin padding and see your podiatrist for treatment.

  • Finally, observe basic fire safety. Never go barefoot or wear sandals when you’re the person staffing the grill or if you’re anywhere near a campfire. A burn on your foot can be serious.

Visit your podiatrist regularly to ensure great foot and ankle health. With years of education and experience, a foot doctor like James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS, and Adam Weaver, DPM is a medical expert and the best-qualified medical professional to care for this part of your body. Schedule a visit to our modern, comfortable office on Old Solomons Island Road today. Call the friendly Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A. staff at 410-224-4448 or click here to get started.