What Is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that occurs when the nerves that connect the core of your body with your limbs are damaged. When the functioning of these nerves is diminished or altered, you may experience decreased or abnormal sensation in your feet and toes. Mobility may also become affected.

Peripheral neuropathy is most commonly seen as a complication of diabetes. 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes will develop neuropathy at some point.  Some patients receive a diabetes diagnosis and later develop neuropathy symptoms. For others, the opposite occurs - they make an appointment to see their podiatrist because of foot discomfort, and eventually find out that they have become diabetic.

Diabetes is not the only cause of peripheral neuropathy. Other causes include advanced age, family history, arthritis (especially when the spine is involved), serious injury to the nervous system, medication side effect, and heavy alcohol use.

Peripheral neuropathy appears suddenly in some people, and progresses slowly over months or years in others. Typically, the first symptom is a numb sensation, beginning with prickling or tingling in the toes and eventually involving the entire foot. Patients report ongoing or intermittent discomfort or pain, sometimes becoming worse in the evening. Symptoms are usually felt equally on both sides of the body.

You should be aware of the following 8 symptoms, any of which can indicate peripheral neuropathy, especially if you are diabetic:

  • Sensations of extreme temperature -- burning or freezing pain

  • A fall, especially if it is preceded by a period of decreased balance and coordination or difficulty walking

  • Sharp foot pain, especially if you'd describe it as stabbing or shooting

  • A feeling like wearing an invisible sock on your foot

  • Poor sleep because foot or leg pain wakes you up

  • Increased sensitivity to touch

  • Limited sensation in your feet

  • Muscle weakness, cramping, or twitching

Contact Podiatry Group of Annapolis and let us help with all your foot and ankle needs. Dr. James Mckee and Dr. Adam Weaver are experienced and dedicated podiatrists who provide high-quality individualized care. Call us today at 410-224-4448 or visit us online to make an appointment at our conveniently located Annapolis office.