New Fitness Program Designed to Help Seniors

Dana Luebke is someone who’s watched his elderly friends struggle with everyday activities as they get older. He’s come up with a solution to help treat the aging physical problems of his friends by creating a “Brain and Body Fitness” program for seniors. The program helps stimulate muscles in the feet through isometric exercises and focuses on improving coordination and quality of life. The exercises help promote blood circulation flow, the strengthening of muscles, and stress reduction.

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Proper Running Shoes are Optimal for Exercising

Having competed in three Olympics, Paul Williams, owner of Vancouver-based running store Peninsula Runners, is very familiar with running shoes.  While minimalist running shoes were the most popular choice in the past, the latest trend in running shoes is cushioning. “This makes it more form-fitting,” Williams shared. “With minimalist shoes there were too many injuries, so now we’re back to a moderate shoe … I think when you have more protection you can run harder and faster, reducing injuries such as shin splints, Achilles tendinitis and knee pain.” William recommends that runners wear shoes that are properly fitted to ensure significant arch support for the feet.

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Swan Out Due to Severe Broken Foot Injury

Australian footballer Dane Swan may not be able to play anymore due to breaking three bones in his foot, one of which was a Lisfranc fracture. The damage to Swan’s foot was confirmed through scans to be severe, potentially indicating that his 258-match career may be over. According to Magpies coach Nathan Buckley, “the earliest Swan could return was late in the season,” if he makes a full recovery.

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1 in 5 Adults Suffer from Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot, otherwise known as tinea pedia, is a common foot fungal infection in the U.S. “Approximately 1 in 5 adults will experience athlete’s foot,” which can be contracted in public areas that have open bodies of water, allowing bacteria to thrive. Athlete’s foot typically begins in between the toes and leads to burning and itching symptoms. Over-the-counter antifungal ointments are popular for treating athlete’s foot. Additionally, keeping your feet clean and dry are important in preventing further onset of your athlete’s foot symptoms.

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Toddlers Walking On Tip Toes

Many toddlers who are learning how to walk tend to walk on their tip toes. Although most toddlers transition to walking on their whole foot by the age of three, some do not. There are certain neurological conditions that could prevent a toddler from walking on his foot. Conditions such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy may tighten the calf muscle or change the way it works. However not all children who walk on their toes have a neurological problem. Some toddlers who are completely healthy still choose to walk on their toes; this is called idiopathic toe walking. This condition affects 5% to 12% of healthy children and its causes are unknown.

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Plantar Wart Treatment

Three out of four people will develop a wart in their lifetime. Warts are contagious, but they are completely harmless. Plantar warts appear on the bottom of the foot, and they are caused by a virus. These warts are spreadable as well as contagious. Kids are most susceptible to getting plantar warts because their immune systems are immature. Liquid nitrogen is the most common treatment used to get rid of warts because it freezes them off. Blistering agents can also be used to remove plantar warts.

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Toenail Fungus Can Lead to Other Problems if Left Untreated

Toenail fungus not only becomes more common as we age, but it can lead to other potential foot problems. “People who have toenail fungus are more likely to get skin infections between their toes,” according to Dr. John Swartzberg, of the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter. Preventing toenail fungus involves proper foot hygiene and keeping the feet dry. Treating toenail fungus includes topical medication, prescribed drugs, and laser.

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Hyperhidrosis: Linked to Anxiety and Depression

According to recent research conducted by dermatology clinics in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and Shanghai, China, patients with subtypes or generalized hyperhidrosis were found to possess a “significantly higher prevalence of anxiety and depression.” Variables that were considered in the analyses included age, gender, ethnicity, BMI and skin conditions.

If you are suffering from hyperhidrosis of the feet, contact Dr. James M. McKee of Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

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Tendinitis common for Runners

If you’re a runner, you may find yourself prone to experiencing pain in your Achilles either during or after running activity. Achilles tendinitis occurs when you feel pain along the back of your leg near the heel and can be caused by continuous stress or overuse on the tendon. The condition can affect anyone, and strenuous physical activity should be avoided if you think you may have Achilles tendinitis. The ailment can be treated with nonsurgical treatment such as rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications.

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