Take Care of Your Feet While Pregnant

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Are you pregnant? Congratulations from Dr. James M. McKee and the staff of Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A.! This is an exciting and special time in your life, but it’s also a period in which your body will undergo many changes and need more attention than usual. You will probably be extra careful about your health care. You’ll be seeing your obstetrician for routine visits, and perhaps checking in with your general practitioner more often than you otherwise might.

Have you given any thought to taking care of your feet while you’re pregnant? Your feet are complex structures, each made of 26 bones (together, that’s more than a quarter of the bones in your body), and hundreds of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissue structures. They are stressed by pregnancy, and some symptoms are common:

  • Flat feet: The added fluid and weight that you’re carrying during your pregnancy can cause the arches of your feet to flatten temporarily. Discomfort can result, as can difficulty walking, standing, or running comfortably.

  • Skin changes: The hormonal changes of pregnancy can affect the moisture levels in your skin. Dry skin on the feet and even painful heel cracks can result.

  • Edema: Swelling, medically known as edema, is common during pregnancy. The body tends to retain water, and gravity causes it to collect in the lower extremities.

Fortunately, your podiatrist has solutions to all of these problems and more including over-the-counter and prescription oral and topical medications, compressions stockings and custom orthotics for cushioning and support, and more.

If you have a concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, and lower legs during pregnancy or at any other time, the first step on the road to wellness is a visit to a board-certified podiatrist like James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS. Just as your obstetrician is the best-qualified doctor to care for your pregnancy, a podiatrist is a medical expert and the right choice to care for this part of your body.

Call our friendly staff at 410-224-4448 or click here to schedule a convenient visit to our modern, comfortable office on Solomons Island Road today.