Industry Leading Podiatrists For Vascular Testing In Annapolis, MD


Peripheral Arterial Disease, also known as PAD, is a silent killer because it often goes undetected. 

In our practice, we see many patients who are affected by PAD.  PAD not only contributes to many foot and leg problems, but is also a warning of heart disease.  

Left undiagnosed and untreated, PAD can lead to severe disabling pain, loss of limbs and even loss of life. 

Since PAD typically starts in the lower extremities, we have the capability to test our patients right here in the office for circulatory problems using the latest technology. We use a device that cuffs around the legs and ankles to produce an assessment of the patient's circulatory status. This information is then shared with a vascular specialist as needed. 

If you are experiencing pain and/or cramping into your legs or feet while walking or sleeping, you might be experiencing the symptoms of PAD. If so, it is essential that you come in for a vascular consultation today.