Be on the Lookout for Symptoms of Gout


Have you heard of gout? Do you think it was wiped out like an old-fashioned disease, like polio or smallpox? You might be surprised to know that nearly 4 million Americans are currently living with gout, many of them in Anne Arundel County. Are you one of them? Read on to learn more about this disease and the symptoms that you should look out for.

Gout is a form of arthritis that can affect both men and women, usually after the age of 30, and the diet is often the primary cause. The uric acid crystals which are already present in your bloodstream build to atypical levels when a gout attack occurs, These sharp, pointed crystals settle in the joints, particularly in the joint of the big toe, and cause symptoms to occur, particularly in that big toe joint. These symptoms include:

  • pain

  • tenderness

  • swelling

  • redness

  • limited range of motion

  • difficulty standing or walking

Gout attacks tend to occur overnight and are often sufficiently uncomfortable to wake you from a sound sleep. Because they are diet-related, gout attacks are particularly likely to happen after a big night on the town. Common triggers include over-consumption of:

  • alcohol

  • red meat

  • shellfish

  • gravies and sauces

When diagnosed with gout, be sure to take all medication exactly as prescribed.  Drink plenty of water every day to help flush your system. Switch to a more sensible diet that emphasizes lean protein, whole grains, colorful fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods.

Are you worried that you have experienced a gout attack, or do you have another concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs? A visit to your foot doctor is in order. With years of training and experience, a podiatrist like James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS is a medical specialist and is the best-qualified doctor to help you. Call 410-224-4448 or click here to schedule a convenient appointment with Dr. James M. McKee in the modern, comfortable Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A. office on Solomons Island Road today.