Working from Home? Care for Feet and Ankles!


Are you part of the more than 30% of Americans still working from home because of the COVID-19 pandemic? Many men and women can continue to work while remaining out of the office. This is an important part of the nation’s effort to curb the spread of coronavirus. Hopefully, in addition to avoiding seeing fewer people than usual, you are also taking careful steps to preserve health including wearing a mask, social distancing when necessary, and maintaining good hand hygiene, washing, and using hand sanitizer frequently.

You can take active steps to preserve the health of your feet and ankles while you work from home, too. Here are three suggestions from Anne Arundel County podiatrists Dr. James M. McKee and Dr. Adam Weaver:

  1. Are you sitting at your desk for long hours? Stand up and stretch periodically to maintain and improve flexibility. Holding on to furniture or a windowsill for stability, raise up on your toes and lower slowly. Point and flex your toes. Roll your ankles.

  2. Reduce the risk of a fall leading to a foot or ankle injury. Wear sneakers, shoes, or slippers at home. Choose a comfortable pair with laces or straps and a non-skid sole for stability. If you’re concerned about keeping your home clean, designate one pair as your “inside” footwear.

  3. Remember to eat a healthy diet rooted in whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy sources, and plenty of produce to maintain a healthy weight. Exercise regularly to stay safe from illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Try walking outdoors with a pet or a friend to maintain connection and boost your mood.

The best thing you can do to ensure healthy feet and ankles is to see a board-certified podiatrist like James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS and Adam Weaver, DPM for routine care and any time you notice a change in the shape or appearance of your feet. With years of specialized training and experience, your podiatrist is the best-qualified medical professional to care for this part of your body.

Schedule a convenient appointment in Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A.’s safe, sanitized office on Solomons Island Road. Call our friendly staff at 410-224-4448 or click here to get started today.