Take a Hike – It’s Good for Your Feet!


The seasons are changing, and that means many families are enjoying day trips, heading to the mountains, and the woods for hiking. Whether you go for an hour or an overnight excursion, you’re doing something great for your heart, lungs, circulation, bones, muscles, and more. Your feet and ankles will benefit from your decision. Hiking does, however, come with some risks to foot health. Do you know all you should know to keep your feet safe? Here are some suggestions from Anne Arundel County podiatrists Dr. James M. McKee and Dr. Adam Weaver to help you.

In advance of your adventure:

  • Make sure hiking boots or shoes are in good condition with intact soles and new laces.

  • Use a clipper (not scissors, which can lead to ingrown toenails) to trim nails and prevent irritation.

  • Take a shower before you get dressed. Wash feet with antibacterial soap and dry them well. It will prevent many skin conditions of the feet from occurring.

  • Create a foot first aid kit for your backpack. Be sure to include assorted bandages, a tube of antibacterial ointment, a tweezer to remove splinters, and some moleskin in case a blister begins to develop.

On the day of your trip:

  • Stay safe. Bring a mask. Charge your cell phone. Let someone know where you’ll be and when you should return.

  • It’s easy to sprain an ankle or break one of the delicate bones in your feet. Be alert to roots, rocks, and other objects that might lead to a fall.

  • If you use custom orthotics, bring them with you. They’ll keep you comfortable on the trail.

  • Drink plenty of water to promote circulation and minimize edema (swelling) in your feet.

When it’s over:

  • Relax, put your feet up, and congratulate yourself for taking a positive, active step toward good health!

Is foot pain making it hard for you to enjoy an active lifestyle, or do you have another concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs? Schedule an appointment to see James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS, and Adam Weaver, DPM in Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A.’s modern, comfortable office on Solomons Island Road. Call our friendly staff at 410-224-4448 or click here to get started today.