Foot Changes to Expect When You’re Expecting

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If you’re pregnant, you’re likely experiencing a host of physical changes. Of course, there’s the ongoing transformation of your body’s shape as your baby grows, but you might be noticing other changes as well. Common side effects of pregnancy can include slight to moderate speeding up or slowing down of your circulation, respiration, and digestion. Hair and nails may grow more quickly than usual. Your sleep patterns may be different than what you are used to experiencing. Seeing a podiatrist like Anne Arundel County foot doctors Dr. James M. McKee and Dr. Adam Weaver is the best way to ensure that this part of your body remains healthy and comfortable during your pregnancy.   

Have you noticed changes to your feet, ankles, or lower legs as well? Many women do! Here are some pregnancy-related conditions to look out for: 

  1. Cramping – As your body deals with increased fluid and weight, your muscles can become stressed. Painful leg cramps can occur, especially overnight. If you have a cramp, stand up and walk slowly when you are able. Stretch the affected area. Apply ice if the discomfort persists.

  2. Discomfort when wearing shoes, standing, or walking – This may be the result of added pressure to the delicate arches of your feet. Your podiatrist can diagnose the source of your pain and can often alleviate it with the prescription of orthotics, custom shoe inserts that offer increased cushioning and support.

  3. Swelling – Known medically as edema, swelling at the ankles is common during pregnancy. Surprisingly, the best way to combat it is by drinking plenty of water. Staying well-hydrated helps your body flush out excess fluid.

If you are experiencing pregnancy-related foot pain, or if you have another concern about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs, our doctors can help. Call our staff at 410-224-4448 or click here to schedule a visit with James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS, and Adam Weaver, DPM, in the modern, comfortable Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A. office on Old Solomons Island Road today.