Make Diet Changes to Improve Foot Health


March is National Nutrition Month. You know there is a connection between what you eat and your overall health, but do you know how your diet can impact foot health? Anne Arundel County podiatrists Dr. James M. McKee and Dr. Adam Weaver have some important information to share.

Personal health is foot health! The better you make choices that will reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other whole-body illnesses, the better you do at protecting the wellness of feet, ankles, and lower legs. Maintain a moderate weight by eating a diet rich in lean protein, whole grains, and colorful fruits and vegetables.

That same moderate weight will reduce the likelihood you will suffer from other foot and ankle conditions such as plantar fasciitis. Numerous factors can lead to this painful inflammation of the soft tissue that spans the sole's length, and obesity is one of them. When you subject the delicate bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the feet and ankles to the stress of carrying additional pounds, discomfort can occur.

Be sure to make food choices that provide your body with all the calcium it needs. Calcium is a mineral necessary for bone health. Without sufficient calcium levels, men and women can develop osteoporosis, a dangerous weakening of the bones that can contribute to fractures and other foot and ankle injuries.

Are you concerned about the effect weight is having on the health of your feet, ankles, and lower legs, or do you have another concern about the wellness of this part of your body? It’s time for a visit with your foot doctor. With years of specialized education and experience, a podiatrist like James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS, and Adam Weaver, DPM is a medical expert and the best-qualified doctor to care for this part of your body.

Call the friendly Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A. at 410-224-4448 or click here today to schedule a safe, convenient appointment in our office on Old Solomons Island Road.