Protect Your Feet and Ankles from Uncomfortable Bug Bites

With its long days and cool evenings, summer is the time of outdoor activities. Beach trips, hikes in the woods, and concerts in the park are August highlights for many families. All that time outside is great fun, but it does leave you vulnerable to pesky insects. While most bug bites are merely itchy nuisances, others can leave you exposed to serious illnesses including Lyme disease and West Nile virus. Feet are often an easy target for insects. It's important to take steps to prevent stings and bites and to treat them promptly when they occur.

Wear socks and closed shoes, especially at dawn and dusk when insects are most active. Apply insect repellent to be safe. There are many natural and commercial insect repellents available. Some people have success with citronella-based products or those containing essential oils; others prefer sprays or lotions containing up to 30% DEET, a chemical repellent. Regardless of what product you choose, be sure to apply it before heading out and to be sure to cover any exposed skin.

Your mother was right: if you do get a bug bite, don't scratch! Scratching can open the wound and infection can occur.  Apply some ice and an over the counter remedy such as hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion. Take an antihistamine if your doctor has approved them for your use. Drink plenty of water to help flush the toxins out of your system. If your bite is no better in 24 hours, or if you notice increased redness, swelling, or tenderness, seek medical attention. These are signs of infection, especially when accompanied by a fever.

Is an insect bite bugging you, or do you have any other concerns about the health and well-being of your feet, ankles, or lower legs?

Contact Podiatry Group of Annapolis and let us help with all your foot and ankle needs. Dr. James Mckee and Dr. Adam Weaver are experienced and dedicated podiatrists who provide high-quality individualized care. Call us today at 410-224-4448 or visit us online to make an appointment at our conveniently located Annapolis office.