Flip-Flops Are Bad for Your Feet

Whether you're extending your sandal-wearing season into the fall or planning for a vacation, chances are there's a pair of inexpensive thong sandals in your closet. If you're wearing them often or for long periods of time, it's time to rethink your choice. Those flip-flops are bad for your feet.

Flip-flops have been popular for decades. They are fashionable, comfortable, inexpensive, and convenient. However, most podiatrists caution against them. They can cause foot and ankle injuries including stress fractures and blisters. In one recent study, the Consumer Product Safety Commission concluded that over 15% of footwear-related emergency room visits were caused by wearing flip-flops. Some of these injuries were due to minor injuries such as cuts and scrapes, but others were more serious.

Flip-flops are typically made of inexpensive plastic or rubber and offer little to no arch support. This lack of cushioning can lead to discomfort in the feet, ankles, and knees, and can even create referred pain in the hips and low back. The stress on the soft tissues of the foot can create plantar fasciitis, a painful condition in the sole and the heel. Excessive wearing of flip-flops can even negatively alter the way you stand or walk.

Your flip-flops can even cause automobile accidents! It's not uncommon for the rubber sole to become stuck under a gas or brake pedal and inhibit the wearer's ability to control the car. Never wear them when you're behind the wheel.

If you've experienced a problem related to your flip-flops, or if you have any concerns about the health and well-being of your feet, ankles, or lower legs, it's time for a visit to the podiatrist.

Contact Podiatry Group of Annapolis and let us help with all your foot and ankle needs. Dr. James Mckee and Dr. Adam Weaver are experienced and dedicated podiatrists who provide high-quality individualized care. Call us today at 410-224-4448 or visit us online to make an appointment at our conveniently located Annapolis office.