Stay Safe While Having Fun This Summer


Are you struggling to figure out ways for your family to enjoy time together and with others while remaining safe from coronavirus this summer? You’re not alone. It’s hard to determine what’s appropriate. When you’re not sure, remember that spending time outside is always the safest choice. Here are five suggestions for activities for your family from Anne Arundel County podiatrists Dr. James M. McKee and Dr. Adam Weaver:

  • Head outside and play! Tennis is a great choice for social distancing. If your town offers access to courts or if you belong to a club that makes them available, take advantage of the opportunity.

  • Take a hike…literally. There are trails of every length and difficulty in all 50 states. Plan a day trip. Pack a healthy picnic loaded with delicious summer fruits and vegetables. Invite another family, just be sure to stay a safe distance apart on the trail and don’t share food or utensils.

  • Does your family have a canine companion? Take that pup out for a walk! Not only will you enjoy the time with your pet, but you’ll improve foot health with every step. Bones, muscles, and soft tissues will all benefit.

  • Head to the beach. Many local spaces are open with guidelines in place for appropriate social distancing. Check out the new rules and follow them for everyone’s continued health and safety.

  • Host a backyard potluck. Invite another family for a barbecue.  Just make sure that everyone wears a mask, keeps hands clean, and stays six feet apart.

As the nation reopens, it’s time to catch up on health care that you may have let slide this spring, including a visit with James M. McKee, DPM, FACFAS, and Adam Weaver, DPM. Regular appointments with your podiatrist are the best way to ensure the ongoing health of your feet, ankles, and lower legs. Schedule your next visit to our safe, sanitized office on Solomons Island Road today. Call the friendly Podiatry Group of Annapolis, P.A. at 410-224-4448, or click here to get started.